- Today Dick Morris writes a column that explains how Hillary Clinton will inevitably go negative against her fellow competitors for the nomination for President on the D ticket. I would have thought she would go hard core negative after she claimed she was ganged up on by the group of men while debating in Philly. I am interested to see what the Clinton's will pull out of their right pocket against the competition. It should be pretty simple: Attack B. Hussein Obama's inexperience (oh wait, didn't he take a class on IR in college), go after John Edwards Universal Health Care plan and please shut up him, Hillary, concerning his idiotic "my father worked in a steel mill story *** Nobody cares anymore Johnny boy***. Kucinich is a no brainer since he is a kook; Biden and what's the other guy's name ???? Oh, yeah, uh, ... ... ... Dodd. You know, I actually like Biden personally and he has a plan for Iraq that does not scream Bush lied and withdraw the troops immediately. Is Gravel even still in the race? Haha if so, yeah buddy. The question remains is whether B. Hussein Obama can withstand the Clinton machine and persevere against the Clinton onslaughts.
- Did anybody see the story that Stephen King said Jenna Bush should be water boarded and testify whether or not it is torture. Hey Stephen, how about you stick to writing your freaky books that nobody seems to be buying. I think after "IT" and the little getting hit by the mailbox incident people grew afraid... no really, I'm serious.