Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11, 2007

Good morning. What is going on in the world today?

1. Soprano's lame ending. Apparently angry HBO'ers are canceling their subscription to HBO because of the so-called ending to the number one HBO series. I did not watch it but my parents did. I came home last evening to find my mother in a complete uproar bickering how the ending did nothing for nobody. Good quote there, Mom. Of course the ending leave an opening for a possible movie. People cannot get enough of the Soprano's. Let's see what happens in the next six months.

2. Paris tells Babs that "she found God." Yeah, and OJ Simpson is working at Children's hospital. Give me a break. I am so tired of these celebrities having a sudden conversation to God. What happened to finding God when Paris was making her x-rated video with her ex boy-toy. Paris finding God is just another cheap publicity stunt. Just wait... The gal will serve her time, get out, and probably start a new ridiculous TV series... The Simple Life 8. Ughh, where is the dignity of Hollywood and since when is somebody famous for just being a complete idiot?

3. Lieberman says bombing Iran should be on the table. Well ol' Independent Joe may have a point. Iran is the number one provider of save havens for terrorists. Their President, Mahmidiot says Israel should be wiped away all the while Hizbollah is operating at the behest of the Iranian government. Democrats rulling - Connecticut Joe is just another pawn of the Bush Administation's neo-cons. I wonder what Bush thinks about this? Did anybody see Bob Schieffer's reaction when Liberman suggested using agressive military action? Talk about panic among Democrats. Anytime a Democrat actually says something good about any policy conducted by the Bush Administration - extracation. Watch and see how Chuck Schumer or Mrs. Bill Clinton handle what Liebs said.

4. Bush to have lunch with Republican senators on Capitol Hill tomorrow. President Bush is scheduled to have lunch with several Republican Senators on Capitol Hill tomorrow to discuss the current debate over the pitiful compromise and horribly lacking immigration bill before the Senate. You know I usually agree with most things President Bush does, but come on Mr. President, give it up. Talk to the American people, Mr. President. We do not want a bill that allows blanket amnesty written in langauge that confuses the American people. And please do not insult our intelligence by claiming we do not understand that current debate. We want you and your administration to enforce the laws already on the books, secure our borders, and continue to keep America soverign nation. How can we even begin to tackle concepts of global jihadism if we cannot secure our very borders. Mr. President, we urge you to act now. This debate should not be about Republican/Democratic politics. This should be a no-brainer. Secure the borders, Mr. President, secure the borders.

5. Congressman Mike Pence wrote an op-ed that was featured in the Washington Times yesterday but made it on His article entitled, "Why I was opposed." Congressman Pence said, "I opposed the Senate immigration bill because of its core fallacy that millions of illegal immigrants could get right with the law without having to leave the country. For most Americans, and me, that is amnesty and I cannot support it."

Congressman Pence is exactly correct and more in Congress need to embrace this same idea. I do not think people truly understand the depths of this immigration bill. Let's start with the Z-Visas included in the Senate compromise. The Senate tells illegal immigrants that they have to leave the country first and apply for citizenship. This is what is being termed as "touchbacks." With this Senate bill, illegal immigrants would only have to pay a fine and simply reapply and pass a background check. Basically, what this means is that if an illegal applies for citizenship outside the country and is denied, he/she is already gone and outside of the United States. The current language of the bill allows illegals to simply reestablish their citizenship without exiting the country first - which is indeed amnesty.

As Congressman Pence has stated in his op-ed the first step is securing the border. In order to do that we must build the fence that Congress approved last fall. How many miles of the fence has been built one may wonder? 11/700 miles! 11 MILES! As Congressman Duncan Hunter said during a presidential debate, "Congress and the Bush Administration has a case of 'the slows." Finally, the first act of somebody entering our country should not be an illegal one.

The underlying issue in this debate should not be focused on whether the American people are pro or anti-immigration. Nobody is anti-immigration in the sense that they do not want people to come to the United States. The American people want people to enjoy the same freedoms that we all share, but we want those seeking citizenship to respect the rule of law of the United States and enter our country legally.

The House of Representatives now has an opportunity to review this bill and start anew. With a fresh look at this compromise, I believe our country can move forward and get a bill to the President that does not reward illegal behaviour.

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