Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Senate Passes Amnesty Bill

The Senate voted today to continue debate on a bill that would grant amnesty to tweleve to twenty million illegal immigrants. The vote in the Senate was 64-35... Although the bill still faces considerable opposition amid a select few Senators, the bill is view largely to pass without too much threat.

Friday, June 22, 2007

June 22, 2007

Good morning - I did not get a lot of sleep last night because I was at the office until 11:00 p.m. waiting for final votes. This morning I am a bit ticked off because of legislation that was passed in the House last night.

Last night the House of Representativse rejected Bush administration policies that denied aid foreign groups that provide...... abortions. The issue was brought to the floor during the State-Foreign Operations appropiations bill. The bill is HR2764.

In recent years the House has passed legislation called The Mexico City law which was named after the policy of then President Ronald Wilson Reagan in 1984. President Reagan signed a bill that restricted any assistance to organizations abroad that perform or promote abortions as a method of family planning.

So what did you expect? The Democrats get into power and reverse every pro-life legislation that Republicans have fought to pass over the many years they were in the majority. I am outraged that the Democrats (and probably a couple of wobbly Republicans) voted to allow funds to be given to murdering babies. When you submit your taxes next year I want you to think that perhaps some of your hard earned money is being used to fund the slaughter of babies. The Democrats cannot seem to understand that we are in a global war against Islamic extremism and refuse to accept that we are in a war but for abortion - hey, they are there...ready to fight. I will hand the administration the face that they had stood strong and steadfast on pro-life issues and the need to be commended for this. In 2008, voters do have a choice - America is a pro-life country. Over half of the country is against abortion, but how long can we keep fighting to the courts. We want the right to vote on these issues - 08' is coming soon... We, the American people, have a choice to vote for life.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007

Good morning. It's a bright and sunny day here in Washington, and I am ready for a day full of fun - so let's get to what is happening around the world today:


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 20, 2007

Sorry I have not updated the blog for a couple of days. Let's just say that I have been dealing with "ex" tra issues. Okay so how about a run down of today's stories that peak my interest.

1. Michael Bloomberg - Of course Michael Bloomberg left the GOP (hint: He was never a Republican to begin with). Bloomberg was elected as a Republican in New York City for one reason - Rudy. Rudy was one of the most successful mayors in New York City history. Rudy actually reduced taxes, cut crime, and turned The Big Apple into a great city. I may not agree with Rudy on his social issues but I certainly can say with integrity that Rudy was an excellent manager of the city - and perhaps our next president.

Bloomberg is gearing up to influence the 2008 election season like Ross Perot did in 1992. If we remember correctly, Perot took 19% of the vote in 1992, the most a third party candidate has ever taken. Bloomberg can easily self-fiance his campaign because the guy has billions of dollars. People who are fed up with scathing partnership in Washington may look to Bloomberg as a new voice of reason (haha) or somebody who is neither a Democrat or a Republican. I would assume that America will never elect a third party candidate, but the tides are changing in the USA and voters have done some wacky things in the past - remember when they elected Jimmy Carter - yeah, exactly.

But now as Bloomberg exits the Republican party many Democrats may start to sweat a little bit. I believe that Bloomberg, who is left of center but not totally kooky left will take votes away from the Democrats. How many Democrats running for president are in Congress? 5.. and what is Congress' approval rating. 23%. Remember, the people elected the Democrats to end the so-called "disastrous" war and to end the era of corruption. Well, it seems that since the Democrats have taken Congress the Surge that has taken effect has seen many new accomplishments. And oh yeah, how about those pesky earmarks. Remember last week when the Democrats tried to stop the Republicans from exposing earmarks in the the appropriations bill? Whatever happened to sending the message to the people that bringing the pork home just ain't gonna happen no more? Anyway, back to Bloomberg - him running for President should not be taken with a grain of salt. Here is a successful business man and a self-made billionaire. He can surely put up the money for his campaign and does not have to spend too much time begging like other candidates have to do. Who knows what Bloomberg may bring to the mix but it is safe to say, I will never vote for this guy.

- More Bloomberg -

I read that Michael Bloomberg has said that he wishes to give money to the poor people in New York City for doing good deeds and following basic laws. Money given to the poor for following basic rules and for acting like parents ought to act? Bloomberg, are you out of your mind? You want to reward people with a couple hundred bucks for attending their kids PTA meeting? How about you should be there anyway, perhaps without the hefty financial incentive? Goodness... I hope New Yorkers do not buy in this garbage. Does Bloomberg plan on giving away his own money to these folks being rewarded for not be lazy? Certainly Rudy wouldn't pull this type of garbage with New Yorkers. No wonder Bloomberg left the Republican party. Even moderate Republicans would not buy into this social welfare for all program. Bloomberg, who are you kidding? You are a Blue Dog Dem...

Here is a Politico.com story about Bloomberg.

Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007

Hooray, it's appropiations week in Washington and guess how many amendments have been passed through Congress thus far? Oh just about eight or so. Come on Congress... Get the money where it needs to go and do it fairly.

I was reading The Hill this morning and came across a story about the debate on Earmarks. Jackie Kucinich and Jonathan E. Kaplan reports that on Wednesday evening House Republicans and Democrats thought they reached a deal on the standoff on earmarks that delayed the passage of the homeland security spending bill. But this deal collapsed yesterday morning. For those of you who do not understand what exactly happened I will explain. While appropiating the funds, the Democrats tried to hide earmarks in spending bill known as a little "sludge fund." Republicans stalled useing procedural tactics (sometimes parlimentary procedure can be your best friend). The Democrats caved and the Republicans obviously and righly claimed a victory. But I have to ask the question that may be on some minds... Why are Republicans so obsessed with earmarks when the era of corruption has pointed most fingers at Republicans when earmarks began to explode in their majority power?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 14, 2007

1. Last night I had the distinct pleasure of attending The President's Dinner at the Washington Convention Center. The dinner was a $2500 a plate ticket and I got in for free. Present were most Republican members of Congress and the main speech was given by... Our fine President, George W. Bush. The speech he gave focused on two things: The War on Terror and conservative principles. The President actually got fired up during his speech and gave the Republicans a pretty good way to take the White House in 2008. You know, President Bush is not perfect and he has not gotten everything right in his six years as being President, but I will tell you that I admire him for some many different reasons: His courage, his steadfastness in defending America, his unwavering committment to protect the life of the unborn and his stand for marriage. The President does what he believes in his heart is the right thing for this country. We have seen the Democrats attack this man for every imaginable thing, but he has stood strong and will continue to stand up for America. President Bush is one of those guys that his yes means yes and his no certainly means no and when he shakes your hand and looks you in the eye, you know he is being sincear. That is the President I am going to miss when he leaves the Oval Office in 2009. So overall, the dinner was excellent last night - food, wine, and entertainment. I even ran into my favorite Congressman - Patrick McHenry. He is totally awesome. I also ran into Congressman Tim Murphy (R-PA). He serves the fighting 18th (right outside of Pittsburgh). I did a brief but worthwhile internship for the Congressman in the early part of this year. He's a down-to-earth kind of guy and I think he will end up going far.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

June 13, 2007

What is going on with CBS and Dan Rather? I actually saw Rather on Fox News yesterday talking to John Gibson. If Dan Rather had to come over to Fox News, then something must really be wrong.

Moonbat CBS Chief Executive, Leslie Moonves, said that Rather's comments were "rather" sexist. No pun intended. Moonves also suggested that Couric's low ratings were due to the sexist attitude from men that they just do not want to get their news from a woman. The Chief Executive says that he stands by Couric even though her ratings are the gutter and CBS has become number three.

First of all, CBS has completely gone off the deep end ever since Danny boy misled our country to believe that President Bush did not serve time in the Texas Air National Guard. Remember that little episode six weeks away from election day in 2004? Then comes Don Imus... Oh Lord. "Nappy headed hoe's," politically incorrect and distasteful costed long-time host Imus his job on the radio. I disagreed with the decision to fire him but that is for another time. So now former anchor Dan Rather makes a comment that ol' Katie is "dumbing down the news" and this is a mistake during prime time news anchoring.

Dan Rather actually said what most people are thinking. Katie, I'm sorry, but you should have never left Good Morning America. You stink. You are not fun to watch, your voice is numbing, and your uncomfortable on-camera appearance makes me want to watch Keith Olbermann instead. You just do not have what it takes to anchor one of the most important news slots. Simply put, you stink. But for Moonves to say that this is about sexism is completly absurd. Moonbate Moonves has no clue that people actually do follow what Katie says and to be candid, we are not impressed by her performance. It has nothing to do that she is a female. I enjoy watching many females bring me the news. Ever watch CNN's Dana Bash, Fox's Jane Skinner, Julie Banderas, and Megan Kelly? Hey, I even enjoy Gretta here and there, but Katie... no. And no, it has nothing to do with their political ideology. Even though Katie claims she is a liberal. Of course I enjoy watching the women of Fox News bring me the news because 1. They are really good at what they do and could easily fill a prime time anchor position and 2. They are nice to look at... especially Julie Banderas... goodness gracious is she a fine looking woman. So basically what Moonves is saying is to forget the somebody delivers the news and lambaste somebody if they do not approve of the delivery of the news from a female. Makes sense doesn't it? When I'm finished writing this blog, I'm going to give the Hillary Clinton campaign a call to see if I can come work for her... I surely have to cast my vote for her because I don't want to be seen as sexist.

2. Check out Politico.com and read this story about Fred Thompson. Politico has put together a list of infractions that Fred Thompson is going to have to explain once he jumps in the race. Or perhaps the Clinton machine will get to him first. Here is the thing about Fred Thompson: I don't know enough about him. Goodness, I cannot believe I am saying this because the American people and the MSM has done the necessary sin to "educate" us so much already. We know everything there is to ever know and more about Hillary Rodham Clinton. Oh and did you know Mitt Romney is a Morman? Or that Rudy stayed with a gay couple when his ex wife gave him the boot? Just wait... The smear campaigns have not yet begun to fight. But just remember the 11th commandement spoken by America's greatest President, Ronald Wilson Reagan: "Never speak ill of a fellow Republican." That golden commandment has already falted... Just watch the debates from two weeks ago. Ahheem... Rudy/Ron Paul/McCain and Romney's fued. I cannot wait for another year and a half of this. Here we gooooo...!

3. Congress has been debating the appropiations bill before Congress since yesterday. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) is the man by the way. This guy is in line to be the next Tom Delay. He is a give-em-hell Republican that stands his ground and does not let the Democrats stand in his way. Watch the debate on CSPAN. Have you ever seen Barney Frank get mad? It may be the funniest thing I have ever seen... that is for somebody who is a politico...

4. News flash!!! President Bush's watch was not stolen! He did lose it. And it did not fall off his wrist. He put his watch in his pocket while shaking hands. Web sites were abuzz at the possibility that President Bush's watch was stolen. Where has media gone?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 12, 2007

What's up with the world today?

1. The Washington Times has featured a front page story on CAIR's (Council on American-Islamic Relations) declining membership since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. The group has dropped from approximately 29,000 members to 1,700 members. With the increased decline, the organization relies on a specific number of donors to contribute to the organizations tenure.

Let us digest exactly what this organization really does. CAIR, which has its headquarters in Washington, D.C. (scary) is a civil liberties organization for Muslims inside the United States. The group was founded in 1994 by Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Refeeq Jaber. The group is supported and funded by the Islamic extremist group, Hamas.

So this group created in 1994 is to promote tolerance and acceptance of American Muslim practices. The group willingly acknowledges that it has ties to terrorist organizations... cough cough Hamas (you know, the Palestinian Islamist group that wishes to seek Israel's complete and utter destruction and who is funded by Iran's government.

This group also jumped to the rescue of the six imams who caused the disturbance on the airplane a few months ago. Remember that little episode... Six guys with long beards speaking Arabic get onto an airplane, praying loudly, asking for seat belt extensions, sitting in a very similar pattern as the 9/11 hijackers, and chanting anti-Americanism. So what happened? These six men were taken off the airplane to avert a possible terrorist attack. So now they are suing the airline and filing a lawsuit against those who reported this suspicious activity. Thank God for good citizens.

To sum it up, CAIR backs terrorists and receives funding from Islamic radicals? And why do we allow this organization to exist within the United States. Your guess is as good as mine.

2. The President is visiting Capitol Hill today promoting his immigration bill with strong hopes to change a few minds. What the President needs to do is scrap the bill and actually enforce the laws. Let's imagine if ten people were allowed to sit inside the lunch amid the Senators and the President. And we each had three minutes to make our case about border security. I guarantee that 10/10 of those people would tell the President exactly the same thing: Will will not settle for amnesty. The current bill allows illegals a pass at the law and does not give those who actually do follow the law to become an American citizen a fair shot. The President needs to know that this is not the time to be playing politics especially with something as dire of an issue as immigration and the future of national security. Write a policy that actually works. Oh, and anytime President Bush and Ted Kennedy claim they have found middle ground, a large, red siren should be screaming in our faces. Ted Kennedy finding middle ground is like the Baltimore Orioles winning the world series. That is just not gonna happen. As for the lunch, at least the food should be pretty good.

3. Fred Thompson is gaining on Giuliani in the most recent Times/Bloomberg poll. Okay people, Thompson has not yet even entered the race yet but he's so-called gaining on Rudy? I do not even know what to believe when it comes to polls. I think that when Fred Thompson does get into race it will pull a lot of support away from both McCain and Romney. People ask me all the time who I think would be a good president. I think all of our Republican candidates matched up with the Democratic candidates, any one of our guys would be much better than any of their guys. But if I had to say which one I want now, I think the Republicans have the best shot at winning with Romney. I will explain later, but just watch... Romney is smooth, confident, and competent. I also believe that Newt should jump into the race. I think Newt would make an excellent President.

--- Side note ----

Living on The Hill is a great experience thus far and since I moved here and began working on the House side I have developed a few favorite Congressmen/Congresswomen. Here my personal favorite list:
1. Congressman Mike Pence
2. Congressman Patrick McHenry
3. Congressman Jeb Hensarling
4. Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) - Have you ever actually watched this guy?
5. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn- Sassy
6. Congressman John Bohaner- Awesome majority leader
7. Congressman Duncan Hunter
8. Congressman Dennis Kuchnich - I watch this guy just to see what nutty thing he is going to say next
9. Congressman Ted Poe
10. Congressman Virginia Foxx

Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11, 2007

Good morning. What is going on in the world today?

1. Soprano's lame ending. Apparently angry HBO'ers are canceling their subscription to HBO because of the so-called ending to the number one HBO series. I did not watch it but my parents did. I came home last evening to find my mother in a complete uproar bickering how the ending did nothing for nobody. Good quote there, Mom. Of course the ending leave an opening for a possible movie. People cannot get enough of the Soprano's. Let's see what happens in the next six months.

2. Paris tells Babs that "she found God." Yeah, and OJ Simpson is working at Children's hospital. Give me a break. I am so tired of these celebrities having a sudden conversation to God. What happened to finding God when Paris was making her x-rated video with her ex boy-toy. Paris finding God is just another cheap publicity stunt. Just wait... The gal will serve her time, get out, and probably start a new ridiculous TV series... The Simple Life 8. Ughh, where is the dignity of Hollywood and since when is somebody famous for just being a complete idiot?

3. Lieberman says bombing Iran should be on the table. Well ol' Independent Joe may have a point. Iran is the number one provider of save havens for terrorists. Their President, Mahmidiot says Israel should be wiped away all the while Hizbollah is operating at the behest of the Iranian government. Democrats rulling - Connecticut Joe is just another pawn of the Bush Administation's neo-cons. I wonder what Bush thinks about this? Did anybody see Bob Schieffer's reaction when Liberman suggested using agressive military action? Talk about panic among Democrats. Anytime a Democrat actually says something good about any policy conducted by the Bush Administration - extracation. Watch and see how Chuck Schumer or Mrs. Bill Clinton handle what Liebs said.

4. Bush to have lunch with Republican senators on Capitol Hill tomorrow. President Bush is scheduled to have lunch with several Republican Senators on Capitol Hill tomorrow to discuss the current debate over the pitiful compromise and horribly lacking immigration bill before the Senate. You know I usually agree with most things President Bush does, but come on Mr. President, give it up. Talk to the American people, Mr. President. We do not want a bill that allows blanket amnesty written in langauge that confuses the American people. And please do not insult our intelligence by claiming we do not understand that current debate. We want you and your administration to enforce the laws already on the books, secure our borders, and continue to keep America soverign nation. How can we even begin to tackle concepts of global jihadism if we cannot secure our very borders. Mr. President, we urge you to act now. This debate should not be about Republican/Democratic politics. This should be a no-brainer. Secure the borders, Mr. President, secure the borders.

5. Congressman Mike Pence wrote an op-ed that was featured in the Washington Times yesterday but made it on Townhall.com. His article entitled, "Why I was opposed." Congressman Pence said, "I opposed the Senate immigration bill because of its core fallacy that millions of illegal immigrants could get right with the law without having to leave the country. For most Americans, and me, that is amnesty and I cannot support it."

Congressman Pence is exactly correct and more in Congress need to embrace this same idea. I do not think people truly understand the depths of this immigration bill. Let's start with the Z-Visas included in the Senate compromise. The Senate tells illegal immigrants that they have to leave the country first and apply for citizenship. This is what is being termed as "touchbacks." With this Senate bill, illegal immigrants would only have to pay a fine and simply reapply and pass a background check. Basically, what this means is that if an illegal applies for citizenship outside the country and is denied, he/she is already gone and outside of the United States. The current language of the bill allows illegals to simply reestablish their citizenship without exiting the country first - which is indeed amnesty.

As Congressman Pence has stated in his op-ed the first step is securing the border. In order to do that we must build the fence that Congress approved last fall. How many miles of the fence has been built one may wonder? 11/700 miles! 11 MILES! As Congressman Duncan Hunter said during a presidential debate, "Congress and the Bush Administration has a case of 'the slows." Finally, the first act of somebody entering our country should not be an illegal one.

The underlying issue in this debate should not be focused on whether the American people are pro or anti-immigration. Nobody is anti-immigration in the sense that they do not want people to come to the United States. The American people want people to enjoy the same freedoms that we all share, but we want those seeking citizenship to respect the rule of law of the United States and enter our country legally.

The House of Representatives now has an opportunity to review this bill and start anew. With a fresh look at this compromise, I believe our country can move forward and get a bill to the President that does not reward illegal behaviour.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Back to DC

What the heck is going on in the world today? Paris Hilton - who really cares? Did the judge give her a hard time... probably, but really, who gives a damn about Paris Hilton?

Immigration - Finally the people have spoken. When Republican Senators like John Kyle are inundated with thousands of angry constituents voicing their opposition to this poorly constructed piece of crap legislation, and the Senate Majority Leader has no other option to pull the bill from the floor, then democracy has prevailed. We, the people, do have a voice. And the people in Congress are actually listening. Instead of writing equivocal legislation that confuses even members of Congress, how about we just enforce our police already in place: Secure the borders and build a fence. Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in the greatest country where people are trying to get in instead of getting out, but it is the first responsibility of our nation to secure our borders and protect the American people. Keep shouting from the high mountains, and you will be heard.

President Bush visits Rome. He makes a gaffe. Bushism number 145443. You gotta love him.